Care Consultations

To obtain customized resources for your particular needs, schedule a Care Consultation with our Aging Life Care Professional. Call to make an appointment at 970-445-0312 or email

Local Older Adults Resource List

Caregiver Connections and Eagle County Healthy Aging have worked together to bring you an up-to-date listing of Resources for Older Adults in Eagle County that you can download here.

You can call Caregiver Connections at 970-445-0312 or Eagle County Healthy Aging at 970-328-8896 if you are having difficulty finding a resource you need.

Brain Health and Cognitive Impairment

Better Brain Blueprint: The Science of Cognitive and Mental Wellness

Learn the science-backed secrets behind protecting, healing, and keeping your brain sharp so you can preserve your memory, enjoy more energy, and unlock vibrant mental health for decades to come.

Alzheimer Disease

Alzheimer Association

Free online educational programs for caregivers and those dealing with memory loss.

Parkinson’s Disease

Access a list of local, regional and national resources here.

Access a list of medications to avoid here.