Put your compassion to work as an in-home caregiver for older adults

EXTRA INCOME - typical in-home caregivers make $25/hr or more

FLEXIBILITY - choose which opportunities fit your needs

HOUSING - some families are looking for live-in caregivers

SINGLE PATIENT - no need to choose which patients’ needs are more important

MEANINGFUL RELATIONSHIPS - develop relationships with the care recipient as well as the family

How to Find Work

You can read about Eagle County Caregiver Classifieds in our Guides. We strongly encourage you to read the guide that is appropriate for you. You can answer the membership questions and request to join here.

Our resource Guide to Working as an In-Home Caregiver,” provides you with information you need to learn more about being an in-home caregiver.

We also provide a resource for families, Guide for Finding In-Home Care, that provides everything they need to know about what type of care is available and where and how to find it.

Caregiver Connections is not a caregiving agency. Rather, we provide consultation, education and resources to help families find the in-home help they need. Our Guides are intended to offer general advice related to caring for a loved one as a paid caregiver and to those seeking paid in-home care for a loved one.  Caregiver Connections accepts no responsibility for, and expressly disclaims the same, for any tax, legal, insurance or other direction offered in this Guide.  Sole responsibility for vetting and/or hiring a potential caregiver or agency lies with the family and/or other support structure for the person receiving or to receive care.  Caregiver Connections accepts no liability whatsoever for the same and expressly disclaims the same.  Caregiver Connections is not affiliated with, and receives no compensation of any kind or nature, from any agency, caregiver, or other person offering or providing care.


Join our private Facebook group group to connect those seeking in-home care with individuals seeking work as an in-home caregiver. Read the Guide, answer the membership questions and request to join here.